Comments, Suggestions and Questions....

Hindsight is always 20/20. This is usually the case when it comes to Relapse. What do you know NOW that you didn't know before your child relapsed? Did your son or daughter explain what was going on with them before the actual drug use? Maybe you are experiencing some fear that your child "may" relapse, (we all have that fear) ask some questions and get some advice from parents who have been through it. Leave a comment or ask a question.


In a previous meeting we talked about how easy it was to see the signs of a relapse when looking backward in time and how difficult it was to see them as they are occurring. Looking back on a relapse in your family, please leave a comment on some of the signs you saw before the relapse occurred. Also, you may want to check out the relapse information on the HBO site.

There is a lot of information on the HBO site. I plan on spending some time there.

The cartoon is from this months Readers Digest.

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